Nov 19, 2008

Driving Through Mauritius

Once you love driving, nothing can keep you away from the wheel. We landed a lucky trip to Mauritius and after two days of quiet, got behind a wheel to explore the island nation. Our first pit stop was the beautiful Tamarin Bay area where we stayed at Taj Exotica. Indian driving license is valid in Mauritius, cars on rental are abundant and one has to negotiate a bit to get a good deal. The island country stretches around 65 kms in length & around 45kms in width. A lot of beautiful beaches lie in the north and south east regions. Not that south and west lack them ! The most notable feature in this country is the clean, beautiful, vibrantly hued sea & beaches. Shimmering in different shades of blue & green, its a sight to feast on. There are water sports like most good beaches, various type of rides, undersea walking and the hugely over hyped under water safari. We loved the beaches, the rides, the nature parks (Casela where a close encounter with lions and cheetahs is enabled is popular with kids) and the Crocodile Park situated at La Vanille(south). A ride on the Aldabra tortoises is worth it inside Casela. Another must see is the Ganga Talao or Grand Bassin located south, it houses a huge temple complex full of Hindu Gods and Goddesses and the high point is a 108 ft sculpture of Shiva -magnificent. A beautiful lake called the Ganga Talao is said to have water from the Ganges poured in a long time back. One place that is worth all the hype is Ille Aux Cerfs - an isle located a little off Trou Deau Douce, off the south east coast. Pristinely pure, beautiful and worth spending a day on picnic, dont forget to take your swimwear along. But there is a whole lot of fleecing when it comes to paying for various rides so a good bargain with any of the service providers is a must.