Jun 20, 2013

Yellow Canna flowers - memories of gardening while growing up

Yellow Canna Flowers shot @ Antalya, took me back to my childhood, when we used to plant different colours & wait till the flowers bloomed, the wait was always so delightful, will it bloom today? will it be orange, yellow, pink or white? Such pure joy!

Jun 19, 2013

Waiting on a bench, watching a painter & a town going past

A place to sit & watch a painter paint by & sell, as time goes past...what a feeling! Wish i
could also sit & see time fly by as the sun sets and the town goes to sleep!

Perfect Spot to Dive @ Marmara Sea, Antalya

Off the Antalya Coast, Turkey  

What a place to dive, into the warm waters of the Marmara sea ? Looks so inviting, calm!


Sun about to set @ Antalya, Turkey